What does a My benefits plus+ Plan Cover?
Each Private Health Services Plan (PHSP) is customized, but all of our customers will receive coverage in all of the areas listed below.
Professional Services
- Acupuncturist
- All Optical Services
- Psychologist
- Neurologist
- Podiatrist
- Practical Nurse (For medical service)
- Orthodontist
- Ophthalmologist
- Osteopath
- Surgeon
- Chiropractor
- Nutritionist
- Optician
- Psychiatrist
- Orthopedist
- Obstetrician
- Registered Nurse
- Dentist
- Therapist
- Oculist
- Dermatologist
- Physiotherapist
- Naturopath visits
- Optometrist
- Psychoanalyst
- Chiropodist
- Pediatrician
- Christian Science Practitioner
- Dental Mechanic
- Speech Therapist
- Gynecologist
- Physician
- Massage Therapist
Hospital Services
- Anesthetist
- Oxygen Masks, Tent
- Use of operating Room
- X-Ray Technician
- Vaccines
- Hospital Bills
- All Prescription Drugs, Insulin or Substitutes Liver Extract injectable for pernicious anemia
- All prescription drugs and medicines prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner and recorded by a licensed pharmacist
- Tapes or Tablets for sugar content tests by diabetics, if prescribed
- Oxygen
- Viagra
- Vitamin B12 for pernicious anemia
Prescribed Medical Treatment
- Blood Transfusion
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Bone Marrow or Organ Transplant
- Diathermy Nursing (by Registered Nurse)
- Pre-Natal, Post Natal Treatments
- Healing Services
- Radium Therapy
- Insulin Treatments Injections
- Ultra-violet Ray Treatments
- Whirlpool Baths
- Psychotherapy
- Hydrotherapy
- Speech Pathology or Audiology
- Electric Shock Treatments
- Laser Eye Surgery
Dental Services
- Dentures, repairs & replacement
- Dental X-rays
- Examinations
- Extractions
- Oral Surgery (e.g. root canals & implants)
- Braces
Prescribed Medical Devices and Treatments
- An external breast prosthesis
- Infusion pumps for diabetics, including peripherals
- Devices designed to assist a person to use bathtubs showers or toilets
- Optical scanners or similar devices for a blind individual to enable him/her to read print
- Synthetic speech systems, Braille printers and large print-on-screen device’s that enable blind persons to utilize computers
- Oxygen Tent
- Devices used by individuals suffering from a chronic respiratory ailment or a severe chronic immune system deregulation
- Inductive coupling osteogenesis stimulator
- Power operated guided chair installation for stairways
- Devices designed to enable individuals with a mobility impairment to operate a vehicle
- Contact Lenses Monitors attached to babies identified as being prone to sudden infant death syndrome
- Equipment that enable deaf or mute persons to make and receive telephone call including visual ringing indicators acoustic coupler, teletyping, which makes telephone communication possible with other persons
- Hospital beds, if required in home
- Electronic or computerized environment control systems for individuals with severe prolonged mobility restrictions
- Orthopedic shoes or boots
- Eye Glasses Television closed captioning decoders
- Any device designed to assist walking where the individual has a mobility impairment
- Heat Monitors or pace makers Wigs if required as a result of disease, accident or medical treatment
- Electronic speech synthesizers for mute individuals Power operated guided lifts and transportation equipment designed to access to buildings, vehicles, or to allow wheelchair access to a vehicle
- Syringes
- Extremity pumps or elastic support hose to reduce lymph edema swelling
- Any apparatus or material, paid to a doctor, nurse or hospital
Other Materials and Apparatus That Don't Require a Prescription
- Crutches
- Colostomy pads
- Iron Lung
- Any device to aid the hearing of a deaf person including bone conduction telephone receivers, extra loud audible signals and devices to permit volume adjustment of telephone equipment above normal levels. Hearing aids and hearing aid batteries
- Artificial kidney machine, including installation, operating costs
- Artificial Eye
- Illestomy pads
- Spinal Brace
- Catheters, catheter trays, tubing diapers, disposable briefs required by incontinent persons
- Blood sugar level measuring devices for diabetes Laryngeal speaking aid
- Hernia Truss
- Artificial Limb
- Brace for a limb
- Wheel Chair
Laboratory Examination and Tests
- Blood Tests
- X-Ray Examination
- Metabolism Tests
- Cardiographs
- Urine Analyses
- Stool Examination
- Spinal Fluid Tests
Other Expenditures
- Ambulance Charges
- Home Maker Service and Home Care (attendant must be a non-relative)
- Specially trained animals to assist the blind, deaf, for severely impaired persons, including the cost of its care and maintenance
- Colostomy pads
- Transportation cost-to hospital, clinic or doctor’s office to obtain services not otherwise available
- Transportation, meals and accommodations (reasonable expenses for meals, accommodation and travel costs for patient and an accompanying attendant may be deductible if; 1. Equivalent medical services are not available locally; 2. The route traveled is reasonably direct; 3. Medical treatment is reasonable and distance traveled is at least 80 kilometers)
- Prescription Birth Control Pills
- Rehabilitative therapy, lip reading and sign language training
- Reasonable costs for adapting a residence to accommodate a disabled person (e.g. wheelchair ramp, lifts, bath facilities)